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Hannah Steinman
Hannah Steinman worked as an intern in the TRC during the fall semester of 2016, and is currently in the Criminal Justice PhD program at Temple University in Philadelphia. Thank you to Hannah for updating us! What did you do after your internship? I...
Chris Peterson
Chris Peterson was an intern in the TRC as a Junior during the 2017 fall semester. He now works as a Security Analyst in the private sector. We appreciate Chris taking the time to talk with us about his experience in the TRC! To learn more about our internships, click...
TRC Receives Funding from National Institute of Justice to Study Online and Offline Radicalization
The Terrorism Research Center (TRC) was recently selected to receive $893,721 from the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) to study online and offline radicalization, as well as cyberterrorism. The three year project, titled "From Dot Coms to Pipe Bombs: Online...
Recently Published TRC Research Examines Gender and Terrorism
A new study examining female terrorist defendants using American Terrorism Study (ATS) data was recently published in Crime & Delinquency. The article is the result of collaboration between TRC Director Jeff Gruenewald and Associate Director Katie Ratcliff, along...