The Bias Homicide Database (BHDB) is an open-source, relational database housed in the Terrorism Research Center (TRC). BHDB data include information on incident, victim, and offender attributes of bias homicides in the United States from 1990 to 2019.
Data Snapshot: Characteristics of Bias Homicides Against the LGBTQIA+ Community
TRC Receives Funding from National Institute of Justice to Study Online and Offline Radicalization
The Terrorism Research Center (TRC) was recently selected to receive $893,721 from the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) to study online and offline radicalization, as well as cyberterrorism. The three year project, titled "From Dot Coms to Pipe Bombs: Online...
Data Snapshot: Victims of Anti-Asian Bias Homicides in the United States, 1990-2019
Findings From the Bias Homicide Database Fill Gaps in Understanding of Lethal Hate Crimes
Recent research from the Bias Homicide Database finds that people are killed every year by hate or bias crimes because of who they are perceived to be or what they represent. Victims may be targeted solely because of their race, ethnicity, where they worship, who they...
For more information about the Bias Homicide Database, please contact us directly.